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March Spice Newsletter

Hey everyone, the first issue of the SquishComics newsletter was sent out yesterday to all our subscribers. It’s not just SquishComics related but it includes stuff from around the internet that’s spicy. The content itself I’ll try to keep somewhat safe for work but you’ll get linked out to seriously spicy stuff. So, sign up!

Here it is:

Up and Coming Spicy Projects

Hey! It’s March and there’s so much stuff happening in the crazy world of spicy illustration and webcomics that I figured you’d like to know about. 
So, first off, some Kickstarter projects that you should take a look at and back

Pinned Up & Pinned Down

Help get this Kickstarter project into its ultimate stretch goals.  A sexy Spying with Lana art book featuring lots of new and classic pinup art.  By Sean Harrington.

Bluesky is WAY HOT

Bluesky is awesome for spicy artists and the only algorithm you’ll find is you. Check out these artists, follow them, and you might even win a raffle!

Seeds of Chaos – Spicy Game!

Need a little escape? Check out Seeds of Chaos by VenusNoire Games:

Seeds of Chaos is not your average visual novel; it is a dark fantasy tale with RPG elements inspired by influential CRPG titles of years gone by.

Check out more spicy, delicious content over at

If you’re a spicy, nsfw artist and you want to show up in this newsletter give me a shout over at my bluesky or reply to this email.